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Valerine Episode 1: Pirates



Valerine – Episode 1: Pirates.

I woke up frustrated to my yelling alarm and forced myself out of bed while also heaving a sigh of relief knowing that there was a holiday the next day. Even with all the work I had left to finish, at least I would be able to sleep in a little late and wear warm clothes. The school forbade me from wearing my winter uniform as it was not November yet. The headmistress had made a comment about how absurd it was that I was feeling cold enough to wear winter garments already when all other students still insisted that air conditioning remained on during classes. It was torture for me.

After taking an awfully cold shower, I had to take a while to rub myself violently to warm myself. After getting dressed, I went outside and prepared breakfast for myself. By the time I was done eating, Mom came outside and was relieved to see that I wasn’t late. She sat down to make breakfast for herself too while I had to rush back to my room because I had forgotten to pack my bag.

My room was a mess so I had to rummage through piles of stuff to find the things I needed.  Before leaving, I did not forget to kiss my teddy bear Cori goodbye. He was my only friend and the only thing I had with myself to remind me of my sweet grandmother who had passed away three years ago, leaving me to live alone in a family that had fallen out of love. My parents were divorced but still had to awkwardly meet each other because their business was built by both of them together and so both had to continue running it. It was hard enough for them to separate amicably. For a very long time, they forcibly stayed in their toxic marriage just for the sake of their business as they believed there was no point in separation if they were to continue working together anyway. Needless to say, my childhood was pretty traumatic.

By the time I got back out, Mom was already done with her breakfast and was ready with the car keys to drop me off. There was barely any network signal available in the area from which we had to pass to get to my school. Hence, while stuck in the daily traffic, I would occupy myself with adding finishing some of my homework or pending work or would listen to whatever songs would play on the radio since my phone somehow never had enough storage to download any music. Generally, I would wait till the daily news has passed and ignore it. However, this time, the news caught my attention with one word “Pirates”. Sadly I had missed whatever they had said and asked my mom to repeat it. My mom focused on her driving and shrugged it off saying that local sailors and fishermen claim that they have spotted and met pirates on the nearest sea-side. Then she scowled, clearly not believing the fact herself. I decided to look up the news on my phone but sighed as I realised that my internet was of course, down.

By the time we were at school, the news had already gotten out of my mind. I hugged my mom goodbye and hurried off. I was a little bit late but was relieved when the first bell rang only after I reached my classroom’s door. I sat myself down on a very uncomfortable middle seat as all the other ones were taken. It was also directly under an extremely noisy ceiling fan which did no good job. Everyone was chattering about different things as we all waited for our teacher.  I took out my books and picked up my phone to put it on silent mode when the internet suddenly refreshed and showed me the result of my last search. I was about to close it but the absurd number of pictures and articles covering it made me stop to take a brief overview. The pictures were indeed of the seaside nearest to our town. There was a large, antique-looking ship. It looked like it belonged on the set of a historical movie, in which the storyline played the seventeen-hundreds. There were also pictures of shiny golden tokens which also looked as if they belonged back in time but were polished to look new. I was intrigued and wanted to look more but had to put my phone away quickly as the teacher entered the room. 

Throughout the regular lesson, I wondered if the news was actually true when there were so many blogs and channels covering it. Hence, after the period was over, I immediately pulled my phone back out and began scrolling. All pictures were of the same ship. It turned out that there were a lot of antiques found on it including old devices which were no longer in use, fine dish where, old-fashioned clothing, and a lot more peculiar stuff. The ship itself was one which was fairly new in its build but was made in the same way ancient, labour-operated ships were made, without a single sign of modern technology on board. The sailors who saw the ship enter the shore claimed that it appeared out of nowhere and overtook their own ship. Apparently, authorities had started investigating that area to check if the items found are stolen or not and more importantly, if they are of any historical importance.

I felt my interest in the news fade away as I read about the claims of spectators. They grew more and more unrealistic with a lot of them claiming that the ship had appeared from a lightning flash and the crew on board were witches, that they had found items used to perform voodoo magic and witchcraft, etc. I scoffed, deciding that the news was fake after all.

“You are looking at that too?” my bench mate asked, catching a glimpse of my screen. I forced a giggle “Yeah. I thought it was real at first, but then the made-up story became more and more conspicuous with each line I read”

To my least expectation, my bench mate commented “It is real!” She must have understood which part of the news I found unrealistic and said “Ignore the part of those sailors’ stories. People who stay detached from land and drink so much will naturally have the tendency to not be able to tell apart reality and their imagination or understand the intelligence of the common man against the ubiquitous fantasies they weave to entertain themselves. The ship is indeed real and so is everything found on board of it. One of our seniors, whose father is an authority investigating this case confirmed it.”

“I see” I replied in agreement. Realising the high possibility of that happening. I made a suggestion if this was a marketing strategy undertaken by a business that was opening a historical-themed cruise ship. My friend shrugged and agreed with me for a moment but then questioned why the authorities were involved if that were the case. That part muddled me as well.

“That isn’t even all.” She continued “The crew which was claimed to be seen has mysteriously gone missing. There has also been an increase in the trading of gold and antiques. People who have taken some of the valuables from the ship have been selling them off.”

“That’s not nice!” I remarked “They should everyone who is currently selling off gold into questioning! What if the assets actually have historical significance or are stolen?”

She agreed again and our conversation had to be cut short because the next class was to begin shortly afterward.

The rest of the day passed normally. During the lunch break, several of us discussed the news again for a short while in repetitive remarks, questioning debates and our own theories. However, the topic slowly died down by the end of the day.  I discussed it with mom by after school as well but she shrugged it off with the same theory as me: that it was all a collective business strategy for either the media or the potential cruise line business trying to make a profit and that there was no proper proof of any increase in gold trade or sightings of any strange looking people.

That was the end of the news for a while. It completely got out of my head for the next two months to come as I got busy preparing for the session's final term examinations. Winter break soon fell in. On one of these days, I suddenly started hearing loud noises coming from my room’s balcony. One day I went there to check it out and it turned out that we were having new neighbours shifting in. My balcony overlooked a small portion of the parking lot, the grassy driveway at the front of our building's next wing. The new neighbours were moving into the home parallel to ours. I could see from the open door of their balcony, which was directly in front of mine, furniture being moved in.

One part of me felt disappointed that I would no longer be able to stand on my balcony without the anxiety of being watched and another part felt…a sort of…a strange feeling of relief and…excitement.


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* The final cover image is a collage of multiple images sourced Legally from the internet. Credits: Kylie Johnson (The blue ocean {Right}) & Lukas Robertson (The black ocean {Left}). 
Source: Unsplash.

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